dikädemē #2

The Fashion Industry is a huge contributor to global pollution, so I have been creating clothing using less resources and creating less waste.
I use my painting, dying and cutting techniques to create new items from pre-existing clothing and make them trendy & wearable!
dikädemē [dī kä dəmē] - An Environmentally Safe Upcycled Collection:
dikädemē is the phonetic spelling of the word dichotomy [dī kä dəmē], meaning a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different. In this case the dichotomy is Old & New at the same time!
dikädemē by Forgotten Arts®
This is a pre-existing, UpCycled, Express men's large, button down shirt, ash color with micro pinstripe detail. I have customized this piece by bleach dyeing and hand painting the name dikädemē above the left breast pocket.